Welcome, participating contractors of the DTE Energy Efficiency Program for Business
Program news and updates
This site is designed to be your one-stop-shop for all things energy-efficiency for DTE Commercial & Industrial businesses. We appreciate your patience as we continue to get everything posted here.
We will notify you as updates are made, but feel free to check back frequently and be sure to bookmark this site! In the meantime, don't hesitate to reach out to us using the new program email and phone number:
Email: michiganee@franklinenergy.com
Phone: 855.748.2525
Your one-stop shop for helping business customers save energy
As a participating contractor of the DTE Energy Efficiency Program for Business, you are central to helping local businesses save energy and make upgrades more affordable. This site contains everything you need to support your participation with the program.
Upcoming Events
DTE C&I Contractor Kick-Off Webinar
If you missed our in-person kick-off, please join us for our virtual webinar on February 27 from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. EST. Please also pass along this information to anyone else from your company who might benefit from learning about the program.
By attending the webinar you'll:
- Be entered to win suite tickets to an upcoming Red Wings, Pistons, or Tigers game*
- Learn about program updates for 2025
- Receive information on measures, rebates and bonuses
- Have the opportunity to ask any program-related questions
*If you already were selected as a suite ticket winner at our recent in-person kick-off event, you are not eligible to win again.